I'm cold. Real cold now. *shivering* Well, actually it's just merely 17 degree celcius. Boredom increases the cooling part. Yeah, I'm currently stucked to the computer in my relatives' place in Toronto, Canada, country of the beavers, home of the Raptors and bla bla bla. Not to mention small kids being influenced by Canadian culture to swear (South Park).
But at times, Canadians do swear like donkeys. Trust me, I've encountered one during the Raptor vs Detroit game as he happily swore "Bullshit". Not the American way of short pronounced "bullshit!" but a more to opera type of dragged "bull -------------shit!" with some high-low tunes. I was like, "who the hell let tht donkey in!". The game was great especially when I had my free Pepperoni Pizza *ask me how I'd obtained it*.
Items in the northern hemisphere (The United States and Canada) are suprisingly cheap!*
* Apply for certain items like Porno Magazines, Vibrators, Dildos, Electronics, Some Branded Shirts, etc, ect, etc.
Food over there it's not too bad but you might think it's kinda pricy for a hamburger. But this is ain't ordinary Ramly burger that you had in Malaysia. This is like a jumbo one, an "enlarged" one. Hence, it's sort of cheap!
One week of my trip has gone and I'm left with another two. Man, time is passing by real fast. If I were to given a chance, I will plan to study in Canada. Cool place, friendly people , cleaner for your information. Not to forget free accomodation. Maybe after my form 6 I'll study in Canada.
Shopping was great and going to be great! Indulged myself with a pair of Levi's Jeans, an Armani Exchange shirt and a pair of Vans Classic Slip-On shoes. *grinz* You can really get good deals in Factory Outlets. I don't mind buying from factory outlets. At least I know there aren't fakes around.
Next stop, I'll head to San Francisco. Woohooo, is that city of romance? How romantic for me to hold my mom's hand and watch sunset at the golden gate bridge? *lovely* By then, Patrick will be a happy boy as he's still considering whether or not to get his iPod Video over there. As I said, electronics are cheap over here!
Darn, my stomache is growling. It's 6.46 pm (Sunday) equivalent to 6.46 am (Monday) in Malaysia. Time for me to grab dinner now. Updates to come!
*P/s: If you're (you'll know who you are) reading this, I'll be online from 7 pm time till 12 am(canadian time) and sometimes few moments in the morning.