Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Day one : MUET mania.

Had MUET today. The outcome - I think I'm gonna fail this subject. The questions were plain stupid.

Why? Take the essay part for example. The instruction was : " Please write an essay in not more than 250 words." WTF!?! We're already in form 6 and our word limit is 25o words?!

I wanted to scan the question, but once again, I'm just plain lazy to do so. My languange is never good, hence, baby languange all over the essay. The worst part, it's a directed writing! You have to include all freaking points which were repeated not once, not twice but all the time. Yet, you have to maintain the 250 words limit excluding adding points of your own.

Okay, I shouldn't be whining about it.

Just for laughs:

Went to some MyHeritage site and played with the face recognition thing.

This is consider good as a male resembles a male and a female resembles a female.

But heck this!

OMG! I looked like some Gillian Chung. =.=! Shoot me. Just shoot me..


Blogger tysern said...

OMG, i am old...OLD OLD....waahhh

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well..relax..this just means we look alike! hehe :)

1:22 PM  

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