Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Have you guys came across this advertisement of BRAND'S Chicken Essence? The one which stated it's proven that students who drink BRAND'S Chicken Essence everyday will excel in their studies? Alright, some of you may seem blur.

Check this out:

This is just so wrong. I'm sure that many of us did not drink BRAND's Chicken Essence during our SPMs or even PMRs and we excelled in it. Don't you think so? Well, if they think that chicken essence really boosts your brain, then I can also say that water is even better. I drink water every morning before going to school and I scored 10 A's too in my SPM. *Just to go on-par with Mr. Nerdy above.*

Therefore, I present to you this:

Without chicken essence, you can still survive. But without water, you'll definitely die. =)


Blogger Gzhang said...

You actually posed for a picture with your water.Is there no limit to your camho-ness? Must be evergrowing I guess.

And that water? Oh yes. It sure makes you do things. Many things indeed....haha

9:29 PM  
Blogger .:pàt®!¢k:. said...

Well..have to be interesting least it's better than the BRAND'S.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much Diamond pay you to advertise for them ah?...didn't know you were so kind to do free

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


really no comments man...

8:09 PM  
Blogger .:pàt®!¢k:. said...


8:10 PM  

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