Friday, June 09, 2006

Gang Bang...

Don't get my meaning wrong. The gang bang over here is not about "group sex" after some drunk ass party. Maybe the word "group" is considered, but definitely not "sex" . What I'm trying to say is that, I actually had a car accident today around 12.15 pm. I was on my way to S.M.K Sultan Abdul Samad from my house to transfer school. Guess HE has sent me a warning. "Thou shall think twice in transferring school", HE said.

Well, I was using the LDP to get me from point A to point B. Sitting next to me was Justin. So I was following a green Proton Saga.

X indicates my car.

Then later on, he slowed down, I followed as well. A black car was keeping a very short distance between mine and his if not mistaken.

"A sign" - Sandwich session is going to begin soon.

Suddenly, I saw the break lights was getting brighter - a sign of emergncy breaking. Without any delay, I stomped my brake as hard as possible. Phew... managed to break in time and avoid the impact. But.... *phang* the black car "banged" my car's beautiful arse and the impact forced my car to bang the front car. So, basically, I was "sandwiched" in the middle.

Wala.. the prediction was right. My front bumper as well as the "arse" were severely damaged. Guess gang bang wasn't fun at all. Or maybe being the middle guy in a gang bang session isn't fun at all. My car's facial expression changed dramatically - from happy to sort of like sad due to being "sodomised" at high speed. Now, it has to move "kangkang-ly".

I have lodged a police report. Hopefully the insurance company can cover the damages. Or perhaps, maybe a new car? *praying*

Ouchies....that hurts!

I can see lots of figures *$$$$$* gonna be involved to "plastic surgery" this car.

Poor "arse". *De-formed*

From that expression, my car isn't too happy yet sad. *He's crying*

*P/s: Justin, thank you for accompany me to everywhere just now. Really appreciate it.

Almost forget, I was listening to Yngwie Malmsteen's "Apreggios From Hell". *I can sense the scari-ness* By the way, this is how you should pronounce his name - Ying Wei Mom Steam. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy ! see ! i told u not not not to transfer school and see what u get . pfft .. sorry for being mean .. =].. poor car .. i bet ur car must be cursing that dumb dumb driver .. so kesian la ur car ..

12:40 AM  
Blogger .:pàt®!¢k:. said...




12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tadaaaa ! i won ! so blame urself ! booo hoooo .

9:25 PM  
Blogger .:pàt®!¢k:. said...


9:28 PM  

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